Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend of January 19-20, 2008.

Hello students,

Hope you are enjoying the book you chose to read...


1. Novel
Read the first section. Read and enjoy. Remember what we talked about in terms of vocabulary...try not to use the dictionary too much. Write 7-10 questions so that you can have a good discussion about your book on Monday.

2. Bloging

a) Skyscrapers: Pictures, opinions reaction to classmate's blogs.

b) Language Learning: Post the answer to the following question:

In your opinion what is the most important factor that affects proficiency in learning a second language?

Don't forget to read your classmates' answers and to comment on at least three of them.

c) If you want to publish anything else on your blogs please do not hesitate. A blog is like a journal so go ahead.

3. Language Learning.

a) Reading Text (Individual Differences in Second Language Learning).

Those of you who have not handed in your answers to the questions on the reading text, you can send them to me on my e-mail. My e-mail address is:
Remember to send it as a word attachment). If you haven't done this assignment on the computer, just hand it in on Monday morning.

b) Essay question: (Listening Retell). This is optional, it is not obligatory.

Answer one of the questions on the Listening you worked on. This is not to be done on the blog. If you do it, please hand it in to me on Monday and I'll gladly look at it and give you feedback.

Next Week we will be working on the following Units: Language Learning;Novel Project; Lecture Project, Evolution Unit.

See you all on Monday morning at 9:00 Let's try to be on time please.



Xixi said...

Hi Lily,
How are u? I'm reading the Obasan~It's really like what you told us it's very smooth....slow...more big action....but i'm trying to figure out what the author wants to express....
see u Monday~

Davidwang said...

Dear Lilu
Please don't believe in Xixi, seriously~
I have the sections as well as xixi, I believe this novel is really significant and i like it.
By the way, I made a mistake on the list of our classmates's blogs.
My blog is, and that one was old. I am using the new one now.Excuse me~ Have a good night