Friday, February 22, 2008

Long Weekend of February 21st-24th,2008

Hello again,

We really enjoyed the lunch which gave us the opportunity to chat with you on another level than in the classroom!!

You have all been working hard and you need to continue to do this last English course before you go out into the big, work, travelling, etc.!!!


1. Write something everyday and send to us whatever you have written even if it is only one page. In other words, don't wait till you have finished the section to send us your work.

2. Send only the work you haven't already given to us. For example,if you gave us(or sent us) the first two pages of a section, don't give or send them again along with the next few pages.

3. Don't forget to attribute(in text references: eg.(Meyrs, 2004)at the end of a paraphrase or Meyrs (2004) points out....... or when quoting a sentence or a passage, "...................." (Meyers, 2004, pg 15).

Even if you are not sure of the exact form, you need to put in the references as you are writing. It is much easier than to try to find them afterwards. Remember, you put the last name of the author and the date that the book or article was published. You don't need any other details in the text. (the details go in the reference list). If you don't have the name of the author, put in the title of the article/book/video and the date.

At the end of the unit on Male/Female communication, you have information from Concordia Library on how to attribute or cite the authors you have used. Also
Chapter 7 in the book Doing Honest Work in you more details. Consult that chapter if you need to.


Which of the following units did you prefer? Explain both in terms of interest in the content and in terms of skills and language you learned.

Language Learning
Animal Experimentation
Population Mid Term

Don't forget to respond to each others blogs.

Hope you manage to have a little bit of fun...but remember to give a real push on the paper.

Lili and Adrianne

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