Saturday, March 15, 2008



This is probably the last posting! We are almost at the end of our 10-week adventure together! and all of you will soon be off into the big world out there.

But before you are off..., please take a few minutes to

1. give your opinions on the blogs about the Presentations. Here are a few questions to help you

What did you learn from preparing your presentation?

How did you feel about your presentation?

What did you learn from listening to the presentations of your classmates.

Feedback on your Research Project (Paper and Presentation) will be given on Monday afternoon after the Video Evaluation.

2. also give your opinions about the BLOGGING PROJECT and perhaps post anything else you well as your last comments to each other's blogs!

3. look at Adrianne's Blog

The schedule for the coming week:

MONDAY: AM and PM: Video Evaluation

TUESDAY:AM: Preparation for Debate
PM: Debate (evaluation)

AM: Writing Evaluation
PM: Lunch
AM: Feedback on Final Grades
Graduation Ceremony

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for the "birthday party". I was really touched,and the flowers have brought a little bit of Spring to my surroundings. Thanks again.

Teaching you has been a great pleasure for me on a daily basis. Thanks for being such great students.


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