Friday, February 1, 2008

Weekent of February1st-3rd, 2008

Hello students!

I decided to publish my blog a little earlier this weekend so here goes:


1. Male/Female Short Answer Questions on page 176 of your binders

2. Novel Project:

a. 2nd drafts of Written Reviews due on Monday.

b. Prepare your oral presentations of your Novel. Remember to free yourselves after school so that you have some time to practice. The presentations will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday Morning.

3. Lecture Presentations: check Adriannes Blog.

4. Research Project: Think of a topic for your research(this doesn't have to be your final topic...) and make 5 questions that you would like to have answers to when researching the information.

1. Library orientation at the Library on Monday morning(same building as the Concordia Books Store) but on the second floor. Room 203. Be there for 8:50 AM please!!!

2. Bring some money(approximately 15$) to buy the reference book on doing "honest" work in college/university (the book I showed you on Friday). We can get this book on Monday after the library orientation.

3. We will have another library orientation on Tuesday. We will talk about time etc.on Monday.

4. In terms of Units please bring: Novel Project; Lecture Project; Research Project;Male/Female; Happiness.
and from Part 2, the first unit called Plagiarism.

Did I forget anything? Oh yes, Adrianne's blog address is: Please consult her blog for assignment on Critical Thinking Lecture that you attended on Thursday afternoon.

Anything else? If you think of something else, please comment on my blog.

Have a good weekend and work hard!



Jarno said...

Hi Lili~here is Jarno again...
This time I wanna know that should we bring the reference book on Monday? I have already bought this book during the past week...

IliasX said...

Hi Lili,

I wanted to let you know that I had to go back to morocco during the last week because of some personal reasons, and that's the reason i missed the last week classes. I just came back this morning, so i just wanted you to let me know what i should do to be up to date tomorrow when i come back.

Thank you for your comprehension.

Iliass Reddad